This patient education leaflet has been medically reviewed bySian Bowen(M. Ost, PG Cert AO), Osteopath.
Created by our professional medical illustrators this exercise leaflet has been designed to help post-operative knee replacement patients to understand and perform Knee Replacement Strengthening Exercises.
Ideal for individuals who have undergone total or partial knee replacement surgery and need to regain strength and movement in the knee afterwards.
This downloadable leaflet shows 5 exercises, the recommended amount of repetitions and how often they should be carried out. The leaflet includes post-operative knee replacement strengthening exercises such as ankle pumps, heel slides and quadriceps.
As a bonus, you can download a weekly exercise trackerand monthly exercise tracker FOR FREE to track your progress.
Available as a digital download this PDF can be viewed on multiple devices or printed out on a standard A4 printer.
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Digital downloads are for non-commercial use only. If you are a professional, you may share the resources directly with your clients/patients in print or digital format for educational purposes, but you may not otherwise reproduce or distribute the materials which are subject to copyright. By downloading a digital product from AnatomyStuff (whether free or paid for) you agree to be bound by our Copyright Terms and Conditions..
Any information provided is guidance only and not a replacement for professional medical advice.