Professionally prepared skull of an adult horse, cut longitudinally. The half horse skull model clearly displays the size of the nasal bone, the nasal concha, the frontal sinus and cranial cavities along with the maxillary sinus and nasal cavities. An ideal specimin for detailed study of equine anatomy.
Our real animal skeleton range by 3B Scientific is prepared by professional taxidermists in Europe, ensuring the models are mounted to the highest quality and that every bone from the animal is displayed. No animals have been bred or killed solely for the purpose of making these specimens, and these models are certified to pose no risk of infection due to infectious zoonotic pathogens.
Horse (Equus ferus caballus)
Class: Mammals
Order: Odd-toed ungulates
Family: Horses
Diet: Herbivore
Size: Approx. 50 ' 200 cm
Weight: Approx. 100 ' 1200 kg
Age: Approx. 20 ' 50 years
Skeleton: Approx. 252 individual bones
Dentition formula:
Number: 36 ' 44
Incisors (I): 3/3
Canines (C): 0-1/0-1
Premolars (P): 3-4/3-4
Molars (M): 3/3